thinkSRSD (Self-Regulated Strategy Development) in Literacy
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
SRSD is a complex and deeply evidence-based approach to teaching writing. It is based on Karen Harris and Steve Graham’s meta-analysis of evidence based practices with the highest effect size. Research on SRSD done in empirical studies, as well as from schools partnering with thinkSRSD, show the significant transformation this approach makes possible when teachers adopted deeply structured approaches to teaching writing. While there are many elements to thinkSRSD, key characteristics are often already familiar to teachers. Six routines, forming a POWeR cycle, will be explicitly taught and practiced during this 2-day class, and teachers will be able to walk out ready to implement on Day 1.
There are currently no classes schedule. Please go to to register for the online course, or contact to register for live/virtual courses.
Thank you to our Sponsors of Rockin’ Dyslexia! We appreciate their support and generosity for students with dyslexia! Look here for next year’s date!